¡Ven a la fiesta con TJSSA este verano en Tyler!
(Come and party with the TJSSA in Tyler this summer!)
(Come and party with the TJSSA in Tyler this summer!)
By Charley Martinez, TJSSA President
Can you believe the Texas Junior Simmental/Simbrah Association (TJSSA) had eleven members place in the Beef Skillaton in San Antonio in 2011? Along with TJSSA director Morgan Tindle placing in the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo Superintendents Heifer Challenge and TJSSA director Mallory Mobly winning the challenge in 2011. I can answer that for you, or you can find out for yourself by attending the Texas Junior Simmental/ Simbrah Association State Futurity this year and participate in not only the cattle show, but all the leadership contests. Not only do the contests help a young mind develop into a young cattleman or cattlewoman, but gain knowledge that will help win scholarship contests, succeed in college, as well as being competitive at American Junior Simmental Association (AJSA) Nationals!
There are many opportunities for a participant to take home awards and buckles from this show. Features of the State Futurity include winning cash prizes; winning one (or more) of the 37 belt buckles; the Simmental and Simbrah shows, cow/calf show, bred and owned show, percentage heifer show; showmanship; judging and oral reasons; public speaking; sales talk; cattlemen’s quiz;, beef skill-a-thon; family barbeque and fun games; annual membership awards breakfast; scholarship opportunities; queen/sweetheart contest; state director elections; and bronze merit leadership award.
New changes to the show this year are a stall decorating contest for this year’s theme ¡Fiesta! The cattle shows will all be progress through performance (PTP) shows, meaning EPDs will be used along with live cattle evaluation. The percentage heifer show is open to half blood Simbrahs. The State Futurity’s cattle judge will be Mr. Doug Pierce of Blinn Junior College. Another highlight is the State Futurity is open to all out of state participants who want practice for the AJSA Nationals!
So if you want to have fun and be a part of this show please print off entry forms from tjssa.com and join us for the great kids, great cattle, and great fun!
Editors Note: In addition, to TJSSA Futurity, there's also the American Junior Simbrah Roundup June 17-19 and the AJSA Classic in Sedalia, Missouri in July. ALL GREAT OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH TO DEVELOP LEADERSHIP, CHARACTER TRAITS, LEARN ABOUT THE BEEF INDUSTRY AND MAKE FRIENDS.
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